I’m a blogger!

Ok, not really. I don’t think simply creating a blog and adding posts to it makes someone a “blogger” if that’s even a real thing anymore. Using the word makes me feel a bit like I’m trying to aim for the cringe-worthy self-proclaimed status of “influencer.” I’d be content if a few people just thought it was an useful source of info….


There isn’t going to be much content on this one, but simply letting you know that I am going to cover a wide range of topics here. Some may be familiar to you, some maybe not. My blog posts will fall into one of two overarching themes: discussing complex industry topics for the non-specialist and specialist alike; or reviews of books I’ve read. If you want to stay updated on when I post something, enter your name and email in the form on the right!

Sign up over there ->

I haven’t decided how frequently I’ll mail anything out. Maybe ~once per month. There will be three main updates on any mail out: most recent or prominent blog post of my own writing; recent events/articles/links that I think are noteworthy to check out; and updates on new additions to my Etsy store (yes I have an Etsy store!)

How are tractors, space travel, weed, salsa dancing, and cloning all related? Check back to find out! (Ok, I’ve cherry-picked some obscure topics but they actually are connected to my future posts. You’ll see!)

Thanks for checking this out, and for coming along for the ride.

Former Farmboy